Rules of Azerite
Discord Rules:
* Do not post any NSFW content. We do not have a NSFW channel and we will never add one. Don't ask.
* Do not be toxic towards other members or the server.
* If you are not a member of staff, don't moderate the chat. Backseat moderating is not tolerated.
* Each channel has a different purpose, abide by each channels pins and descriptions.
* No offensive or otherwise inappropriate nicknames or profile pictures.
* Do not solicit any products or services.
* Do not advertise your Discord server, website or services.
* No self promotion unless explicitly granted by a moderator. (Do not link your Twitch, YouTube or other social media)
* Do not spam. No excessive amounts of messages, emojis, capital letters or tagging users or groups.
* No disruptive voice chat behavior. This includes, but is not limited to, voice changers, soundboards and extremely loud noises.
* English please. Don't insist on speaking in other languages. Our moderators speak English. We cannot moderate other languages.
These rules are here to keep this Discord and its members safe and comfortable. This list is by no means exhaustive and in addition to these rules, the moderators reserve the right to remove messages, mute users and, if necessary, remove users from the server that are detrimental to the discussion and community. Since this is the first page you are seeing, ignorance of the rules does not excuse breaking them.
Server Rules:
1) Flaming, Disrespect, Harassment, and Inappropriate Content. Punishment: Mute/IP-Mute
* The use of inappropriate or disrespectful language towards another player’s Race, Religion, Beliefs, or comments IS NOT TOLERATED.
* Accusing other players of breaking rules. (Scamming, Hacking, Botting, Fake Giveaways, Fake Drop Parties or anything regarding this). If you have evidence of a rule being broke make a report.
* Advertising fake giveaways, drop parties and events.
* Content that is advertised on all chat channels (Discord, In-game and Forums) if deemed inappropriate per staff member’s decision.
* Harassing and disrespecting staff members, whether it’s asking information or requesting ranks.
Retard, KYS, kill your self, Ect. Is not acceptable or tolerated
2) Advertising Punishment: Permanent Ban
* Known links (YouTube, Social Media, Information) are allowed, if advertised a link that contains and links to an entire new site is not allowed.
* YOU are not allowed to advertise other RSPS related material.
3.) Spamming Punishment: Mute/Ban
* Any act of spamming affecting the gameplay of other players.
* You are not allowed to abuse Yell take your time between sending messages
* Auto-Typers are not allowed to be used at all.
4.) Misleading Links, Hacking and Threats Punishment: Permanent Ban
* Misleading links are NOT allowed.
* Hacking in any shape/form.
* Threating members that will put their life, security and reputation at risk.
* Sharing private/personal information. WILL not be tolerated
5) Evasions Punishment: Ban/IP-Ban
* Trying to avoid your punishments, (Mute, Jail, Bans or any kind of punishment) will result in a permanent ban with no appeal.
6) Real World Trading Punishment: Permanent Ban
* Attempting to purchase or Sell any accounts, items, gold, tickets whatever has value in Azerite for ANY payment methods will result in a permanent ban.
7) Encouraging Others to Break Rules Punishment: Mute/Ban
* Any activity that indicates a player is attempting to help/encourage another player.
8) Bug Abuse Punishment: Permanent Ban
* Abusing bugs, dupes, exploits or any type of offenses that will hurt the game-play of others or Azerite itself.
9) Scams, Refunds, Disconnections and Hacks Punishment: Permeant Ban
* If you have disconnected while playing Azerite your items will not be refunded unless deemed otherwise.
* Different types of scams, (Impostering, deceiving other players, Gambling).
* If you were scammed by any other players, we would require SOLID proof that you have been scammed to receive your refund. Yet refunds are not guaranteed depending on the situation. As in if the money was not on the scammers account.
* Refunds due to bugs/issues will be only refunded if the person has solid proof of the lost items/cash.
*Account safety is the responsibility of players. In the event of a hacked account, the staff team will do their best to trace the source of the hack, but cannot guarantee items will be returned.
*Any player found to be hacking another will be banned permanently.
10) Yell Channel Punishment: Mute
* Use of Yell to bait, troll, or any abuse is not tolerated and will result in a mute. * Advertising over yell for streams, videos is acceptable but within a reasonable amount of time gaps. Being afk and using an autotyper is not allowed.
11) Voting Punishment: Ban
* The use of VPN/3rd party clients to boost your votes is not allowed and is not tolerated, this harms the server more than it helps.
*However you may use a mobile device to vote on one other account.
12) Support Clan Chat Punishment: Kick/Ban from CC or Mute
* Trolling, disruptive behavior.
* Advertising(other servers, discords ..etc).
13) Griefing Punishment: Jail/Ban depends on severity of the grief. 150 rocks is the starting point eventually resulting in a ban after numerous offenses.
* Ruining events
*Ruining players game-play.
14) Multiple Accounts Punishment: Decide on which Eco(account that can trade and has an impact on the economy) account you want to keep, all other eco accounts will be banned.
You are permitted to use 3 unique accounts aside from AFK(2 at once) online at a time (1 Eco/Ironman/Hardcore/UIM, 2 AFK) or (1 Eco,1 Iron Man/UIM/Hardcore, 1AFK) or (1 Eco, 1 Ironman,1 Hardcore)...etc
In the case that there is an event happening that requires a fresh ironman account you may play it alongside your ironman if you do have one and 1 other account *If you use a second Eco account to claim Progressions, Battle Pass, or any other repeat rewards to transfer onto your main Eco account, these will be taken away and you will be punished accordingly. This includes, but not limited to, a ban of any offending accounts past the first.
*Using a second account to manipulate prices will NOT be tolerated. NOTE - YOU CANNOT HAVE 3 ACCOUNTS AT AFK
Rules pertaining to Iron men. Iron men stand alone therefore:
-Iron men can not sell in names.
-Iron men can purchase in-names but only using items on their iron man account.
-Iron men can not transfer any items off of their accounts to a main or transfer items on to their accounts from a main.
-iron men can not receive afk rocks from afk accounts.
15) Account sharing
Account sharing is at your own risk. We will not refund items if you do get scammed. However we will ban the player who scammed you if adequate clear cut proof is provided.
16) Crashing Punishment: Jail 100 rocks
* Crashing other members PVMING of any sort. Must have solid proof.
17) Gambling: Punishment Ban
* Any players attempting to gamble in any way shape or form will be banned immediately. We do not allow gambling on Azerite.
18) Macroing: Punishment Ban
* Using third party software to gain an advantage over another player though any means of a third party application to play the game for you
19) Item Lending
*Lending items is at your own risk. If you lend your items and the other player loses them, they will not be refunded to you. However we will ban the player who scammed you if adequate clear cut proof is provided.
20) Afking Pvm Punishment:
Jail. NO EXCEPTIONS 560 rocks (minimum) Afking pvming anywhere in the game is not allowed, if you're caught you will be jailed.
Note - AFKing is considered as any amount of time over 5 minutes away from your pc. If you need to use the bathroom quickly or grab water you’re perfectly fine.
21) MULTI-PVM. Punishment: jail (560 rocks per account gradually resulting in a ban)
You cannot have your two accounts at the same activity(Raids,slayer,global bosses…etc).
22) UNAPPROVED GIVEAWAYS: Punishment Jail/Ban depending on situation
Players are allowed to host giveaways if cleared by an admin+ first. Should a player be in receipt of funds outside of the above rule, they will be asked to return the items to a member of staff. If they disagree, they may be liable to a ban at an administrator's discretion.
This rule is in place in order to regulate the items introduced into the economy at a given time, minimize the chance of RWT when players "give items away" and to ensure that the items are given away in a fair way where everybody has a chance to recieve them.
Should a player make a clear and obvious error in pricing in their POS (due to misclick, misinformation or otherwise), staff will intervene where possible.
We do not wish to see players punished for a typo, and would always try to be fair to all players.
This will be a one time courtesy, so should it happen again, staff will not offer any assistance.
24) In-name Donations
Any in-name donation must be done by opening a ticket in #quick-help.Players will be asked to provide proof of the donation, in order for us to link these transactions properly.
General Behaviour
In addition to the above rules, while playing Azerite, players are expected to behave in such a way that doesn't go against the good will and nature of the server, and its players. This includes, but is not limited to;
- Treating new players with kindness and respect, and not trying to take advantage of them. - Not acting in a way that can cause ) harm to other users verbally or financially (ingame or otherwise)